Quickstart Guide

Quickly establish a connection via websocket and start receiving streaming data and analytics.

Subscribing to the Endpoint

All subscriptions go through a single endpoint URL :


This endpoint is SSL encrypted and supported by a high capacity, low-latency C++ websocket implementation to reduce latency whilst maintaining security.

You can add your API key to gain access to your subscribed channels:

from websocket import create_connection
import urllib

options = {
    api_key: [YOUR_API_KEY],
    action: 'subscribe',
    channels: [YOUR_CHANNELS]

options_url = urllib.parse.urlencode(options)
url = f'wss://pro.cryptostats.dev:8443/?options={options_url}'
ws = create_connection(url)

Channel subscriptions can be passed as part of the options parameters or can be sent separately after connecting to the WebSocket.

ws.send({action: 'subscribe', channel: [YOUR_CHANNEL]})

Full Implementation

Below is a working implementation subscribing to normalized trades on the BTC-PERPETUAL instrument at deribit:

# pip install websocket-client
# pip install ujson
import websocket
import ujson as json
from urllib.parse import quote

subscription = {
    'action': 'subscribe',
    'channel': ["deribit.BTC-PERPETUAL.trade"],

def on_open(msg):
    print(f"Opened: {msg}")

def on_message(_, msg):
    print(f"Message: {msg}")

def on_error(_, msg):
    print(f"Error: {msg}")

def on_close(msg):
    print(f"Closed: {msg}")

result = quote(json.dumps(subscription))
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(f'wss://pro.cryptostats.dev:8443?options={result}',

    Helper Functions

def send(action, channel):
    ws.send(json.dumps({'action': action, 'channel': [channel]}))

def subscribe(channel):
    send("subscribe", channel)

def unsubscribe(channel):
    send("unsubscribe", channel)


Live Runnable Example (Node.js)

Live Runnable Example (Python)

Last updated