Alerts for key events that allow for profitable trading or effective risk management, or to feed into your own proprietary signals.
Arbitrage Alerts
Coming Soon
Receive an alert when there is a detected arbitrage in any subscribed currency pair for your selected fee level. By default, this is the taker fee of entry tier of the given exchange for that instrument but it can be amended as part of the subscription call.
You can adjust for your own fee cut-off levels if you are eligible for incentive programmes to only receive alerts when your target level is reached:
Fees Parameters
The arbitrage amount is calculated as an aggressor, crossing the spread (i.e. selling at the bid, buying at the offer) over the two exchanges. As such, the arbitrage amount is given by:
You will receive a response from the API including the following information:
Large Trade Alerts
Coming Soon
Receive a notification every time there is a large trade, based on a custom level you set or our standard cut-off of 75th percentile. You can subscribe to a single asset on a single exchange, a normalized asset across all exchanges, all assets on a single exchange or all assets on all exchanges - with each alert tailored to the prevailing standard trade size in that asset.
Breakout Detection
Receive a notification when a price breakout occurs in a given instrument or a given asset across any exchange on which it trades. Breakout Detection is based on an ensemble of on-line statistical breakout detection algorithms. This is useful for market makers looking to receive a notification when there is a price breakout in an instrument on one exchange so they can amend their position on other exchanges - even if the first exchange is one where they have no active data collection or trading activity.
Moving Average Alerts
Receive a notification when there is a Moving Average crossover in any asset. You can provide any short-term and long-term average components in the following format:
:For example, the below are common SMA alert subscription calls:
Last updated